Saturday, December 25, 2010
short, yes?
So the gifts have been opened, the dinner devourer and the company has left; time to take a breath in and let a sigh out. Another Christmas Day coming to a close. Strangly, I, for my part have said all that has emidiately come to my mind. So too does this blog come to an end.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
No tax on eggnog
So, I was in Wal-Mart last night, and it was decided between my brother and I that we would both enjoy having some eggnog to take home with us that evening. To make a long story short I walked back down the aisle to pick up a carton and saw that for two dollars and I thing twenty-nine some odd cents I could have 1L. However just one shelf lower sat the 2L cartons on a special price of two for eight dollars. "Hmmmm" says I "that could potentially be a savings of fifty-eight some odd cents".( And why I count it as being an extra some odd cents is for the variable of taxes) Unless one must purchase both cartons in order for the sale to take effect, some stores are just sticky like that. Irregardless, I'm pretty confident that I do not need a whole 4L of eggnog and am therefore willing to take any sort of hit for only buying only one carton; beside my bother is only here for one night, and he's the one whose suppose to help me drink all this fat infested liquid. So I grab it and go. As I start to approach the front I near to a price-check machine attaches to one of the support columns; Perfect! now I can arrive at the till with no surprises as to how much this eggnog will really cost me. So naturally I take the extra half second to stop and scan the bar code as a walk by. The machine indicates to me that I will in fact be paying four dollars for my 2Ls of eggnog. Great, no behind the sense sales pitch, I love it when that happens. Not too long thereafter I am standing in line and then percussing my beverage of choice. To my surprise the lady at the till asks for four dollars, I hand her a twenty and hold my breath a little wondering if she was pulling my leg, but she hands me back six-teen dollars even. Apparently HST has nothing on eggnog, suck that you grimy politicians. It is unfortunate however that I cant go to a restaurant and order a two dollar beverage without facing to dreaded new tax yet I can go to Wal-Mart and get a whole 2Ls of eggnog tax free, and enjoy it in the comfort of my own home. Yes chillaxin in an easy chair watching the Christmas tree shimmer and sparkle as I sip my eggnog cut with a bit if milk (or rum perhaps?) and sprinkled with cinnamon. Now if only that's how my night went down it would have been perfect. But somethings, like tax, we cant change, though smile when things go our way. And other things, like brothers.........we still cant change; but roll our eyes a little as he downs a 1L carton of juice and is gone in the morning, leaving me with a lot of eggnog to devour straight to my hips, thanks bro.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Olive Branch
The hour is late, but I cant sleep. My mind is still spinning and my head starts to hurt; my fingers are still cold and my body still frozen. I cant move. My vision long since blurred and my eyes sting, but the tears are still trapped inside. I want to scream but my voice had been taken from me. So I sit here motionless, again and again reading your message......
(Clint sent me a message via reads as follows)
Thu Dec 9, 2010 1:48 am
No Subject
I don't know if you ever got my birthday wishes, but that was me trying to extend the olive branch so to speak.
And what am I to say to that? How can I respond when I know that it may force open a door I promised myself I would keep shut? I've kept silent for reasons of my own, hoping to spare your sanity from the tangled messes I to often create. For as long as possible I will keep this pain, buried inside me and pray that one day you will undersand.
(Clint sent me a message via reads as follows)
Thu Dec 9, 2010 1:48 am
No Subject
I don't know if you ever got my birthday wishes, but that was me trying to extend the olive branch so to speak.
And what am I to say to that? How can I respond when I know that it may force open a door I promised myself I would keep shut? I've kept silent for reasons of my own, hoping to spare your sanity from the tangled messes I to often create. For as long as possible I will keep this pain, buried inside me and pray that one day you will undersand.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Dec. 1, 2010.......blood & what not (continued...sort of)
Okay so first off I'd like to say that my last post was meant to be funny but failed epically. See, as I was driving home (after my donation then running some errands) I had a few entertaining thoughts that ran through my mind, and decided that I should blog about it. The problem is that I didn't blog it till hours later, by then they weren't fresh in my mind and I was tired as it was late and I was already heading off to bed when I remembered that I hadn't done my blog yet. Then I got gutless as the bulk of my commentary focused on the survey questions which to be honest ,I kinda found funny because most of them (like 99.9%) didn't even apply to me, but as I was typing everything out (in the last entry) I felt guilty for thinking about poking fun at the question whose design is to protect and safe guard the donor and the recipient of the blood.
Therefore the outcome of the (previous) blog was rather dry and boring for which I kinda sorta regret but simply don't feel like deleting it. The only hassle with that being is that it was never finished. (how unfortunate **rolls eyes**) Therefore I will endeavor to make a quick and painless end to my little story (ooooooo foreshadow)
So after my final session of waiting, it was finally time to actually donate my blood. A process which, by the way, only takes 9 minutes. I do admit to being nervous about someone sticking me with a needle but as it turns out it wasn't all that bad. Though when the last nurse came by she smiled sweetly and began to take off the tape holding the IV in place. She looked down at me and in a kind voice said "Just gonna take the tape off, most people say that's the worst part" I'll admit she was taking it off pretty quick but to be honest being as it was the smooth flat hairless part of my arm it didn't really hurt at all. I was just about to tell her this when she suddenly yanks the needle out..............crap.........she did that on purpose, though good on her for having a nice distraction topic. (right here is where I wanted to look up at her through slanted eyes and mumble "liar"). In any case later on in the car several funny comment regarding that incident rolled through my mind (that and something about blood types and vampires). Anywho........thus concludes my little tale.
And now I'm done.
Therefore the outcome of the (previous) blog was rather dry and boring for which I kinda sorta regret but simply don't feel like deleting it. The only hassle with that being is that it was never finished. (how unfortunate **rolls eyes**) Therefore I will endeavor to make a quick and painless end to my little story (ooooooo foreshadow)
So after my final session of waiting, it was finally time to actually donate my blood. A process which, by the way, only takes 9 minutes. I do admit to being nervous about someone sticking me with a needle but as it turns out it wasn't all that bad. Though when the last nurse came by she smiled sweetly and began to take off the tape holding the IV in place. She looked down at me and in a kind voice said "Just gonna take the tape off, most people say that's the worst part" I'll admit she was taking it off pretty quick but to be honest being as it was the smooth flat hairless part of my arm it didn't really hurt at all. I was just about to tell her this when she suddenly yanks the needle out..............crap.........she did that on purpose, though good on her for having a nice distraction topic. (right here is where I wanted to look up at her through slanted eyes and mumble "liar"). In any case later on in the car several funny comment regarding that incident rolled through my mind (that and something about blood types and vampires). Anywho........thus concludes my little tale.
And now I'm done.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Dec. 1, 2010.......blood & what not
Yeah, so, guess what I did today? Hope my title doesn't give it away too much, then again every once in a while I'm not much of one for suspense......or something like that.
Okay, from the beginning. Soooooo, I had a couple hours to kill in my favorite town to the north; "Hmmmm" says I ".....I should go donate blood." After all, its something I've wanted to do for quite some time now. (This of course was 56 some odd days ago.) Now having taken biology 12 I know a little bit about blood and although knowledge is power it must first be applied, or at least remembered. So I guess you could say that it caught me off guard although only slightly to be informed that I could not donate that day because my blood did not contain enough Iron. Not a really a big deal, I just neglected the the fact that following a certain time of the month a woman's body has a decreased amount of this all-important Iron. My appointment was not a total loss however as I was given a new appointment and it was set up to take place in the city to which I actually belonged.
So today rolls around as being nothing spectacular except for the fact that I have arranged to give up a portion of my time (and a bag full of super kool red liquidity stuff) to make a world of difference someone else (that will be greatful for it..... later). And I wont lie to you I was a bit first..............and again a wee bit later. Overall it wasn't too bad, except for the waiting, and waiting and more waiting; which could be why my nervousness came and went a little. I found that the anticipation built up during the waiting-game often lead to apprehension. Fortunately for me the first wait was pretty short and my jitters were caused by my hopes of having enough Iron in my blood this time around (I'd hate to fail and be rejected a second time). Wont make you guess if i got a pass cause if I didn't I'd have nothing to blog about.......wait....wait, no....that's not true; but we wont go down that road. In any case I was given a sheet with "yes" or "no" questions on it and asked to fill it out on a table behind me and to the left; it was set up with boards to form slightly isolated areas to provide some privacy. I think I can say that if you haven't got a disease, never had a disease, ever been treated for a disease or want a disease that 50% of the questions are a no brainier, the other 50% are just as easy provided you've never had sex before. Okay so the waiting- game again, another short moment in which I'm pretty sure I'm not nervous but I'm defiantly wondering what I've gotten myself into. The next bit is spent with a nurse who then asks you a series of more questions. This time I suppress the desire to be cheeky (that was really hard). The questions are not too dissimilar, except the ratio changes a bit; this time around disease related questions only held about 25% and again having an uneventful sex life makes things go by really fast. Though I will admit it here and now a part of me (given some of the questions) wanted to answer "I don't know" to see if I could get a reaction out of the nurse. This process took a short time to reach the final question, to which I will no doubt forever wonder what it had to do with anything..........ANYTHING. OK, seriously, and I must pause here, not that I have anything against monkeys but I'm sure most people don't take them to bed, and I can think of several other animal that would fall higher on my list of "things that carry disease". On a technicality let the record show that had I been born heartless I could have made an easy pass at certain individuals............"Oh yes nurse I've dealt with and handled monkeys many times in my life" I'm sure this might catch her attention until I explain the nature of the relation and the comparison I was drawing with my siblings (all of them, but mainly my younger ones).....................ah but only if I were heartless. The next zone is where the real waiting game began, and..........................oh look at the thinks I should hit the hay. With any luck this story shall be continued tomorrow, till then, g'night and sleep tight.
Okay, from the beginning. Soooooo, I had a couple hours to kill in my favorite town to the north; "Hmmmm" says I ".....I should go donate blood." After all, its something I've wanted to do for quite some time now. (This of course was 56 some odd days ago.) Now having taken biology 12 I know a little bit about blood and although knowledge is power it must first be applied, or at least remembered. So I guess you could say that it caught me off guard although only slightly to be informed that I could not donate that day because my blood did not contain enough Iron. Not a really a big deal, I just neglected the the fact that following a certain time of the month a woman's body has a decreased amount of this all-important Iron. My appointment was not a total loss however as I was given a new appointment and it was set up to take place in the city to which I actually belonged.
So today rolls around as being nothing spectacular except for the fact that I have arranged to give up a portion of my time (and a bag full of super kool red liquidity stuff) to make a world of difference someone else (that will be greatful for it..... later). And I wont lie to you I was a bit first..............and again a wee bit later. Overall it wasn't too bad, except for the waiting, and waiting and more waiting; which could be why my nervousness came and went a little. I found that the anticipation built up during the waiting-game often lead to apprehension. Fortunately for me the first wait was pretty short and my jitters were caused by my hopes of having enough Iron in my blood this time around (I'd hate to fail and be rejected a second time). Wont make you guess if i got a pass cause if I didn't I'd have nothing to blog about.......wait....wait, no....that's not true; but we wont go down that road. In any case I was given a sheet with "yes" or "no" questions on it and asked to fill it out on a table behind me and to the left; it was set up with boards to form slightly isolated areas to provide some privacy. I think I can say that if you haven't got a disease, never had a disease, ever been treated for a disease or want a disease that 50% of the questions are a no brainier, the other 50% are just as easy provided you've never had sex before. Okay so the waiting- game again, another short moment in which I'm pretty sure I'm not nervous but I'm defiantly wondering what I've gotten myself into. The next bit is spent with a nurse who then asks you a series of more questions. This time I suppress the desire to be cheeky (that was really hard). The questions are not too dissimilar, except the ratio changes a bit; this time around disease related questions only held about 25% and again having an uneventful sex life makes things go by really fast. Though I will admit it here and now a part of me (given some of the questions) wanted to answer "I don't know" to see if I could get a reaction out of the nurse. This process took a short time to reach the final question, to which I will no doubt forever wonder what it had to do with anything..........ANYTHING. OK, seriously, and I must pause here, not that I have anything against monkeys but I'm sure most people don't take them to bed, and I can think of several other animal that would fall higher on my list of "things that carry disease". On a technicality let the record show that had I been born heartless I could have made an easy pass at certain individuals............"Oh yes nurse I've dealt with and handled monkeys many times in my life" I'm sure this might catch her attention until I explain the nature of the relation and the comparison I was drawing with my siblings (all of them, but mainly my younger ones).....................ah but only if I were heartless. The next zone is where the real waiting game began, and..........................oh look at the thinks I should hit the hay. With any luck this story shall be continued tomorrow, till then, g'night and sleep tight.
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